Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sarva Samarpana Gadyam -9

"Anubhav kaal ghatith SriVishnu swaatantrasmritipradhaanak "

A Chetan [sentient] being has Gyan ichcha and Kriya . The kriya Independent of others' ichcha can be seen in Ishwar[ paramatma] alone .

But the knowledge that ' i am doing , i am understanding , i am desiring ' such a feeling  and its accomplishment is also seen in jeeva ., thus gyan ichcha kriya is present in the jeeva also.

But When Lord [paramatma] ignites  knowledge and then plants a desire and then gives activity[ prayatna] to jeeva[atma] only then a work [karma ] is accomplished by Atma . This is universally seen and observed and experienced . Thus this work is not accomplished independently by Jeeva . Hence jeeva's ability [ swatantrya] to accomplish a task is a grant of independence by Lord . Not self acquired or resident independence . Even his activity is not under his control .

  • Paramatma , divides his inherent independence into parts and gives it to Bramha ,shiva etc  jeevas , as a pratibimba of his inherent swatantrya .[ this is "datta swatantrya "]
  • Such datta-swatantrya is exhbited during karma accomplishment only by the ichcha[ desire ] of the Lord .
    • Thus we see three types of independence
    • dattaswatantrya [ granted independence]
    • swagatswatantra [ inherent independence]
    • sarvaswatantra  [ total indepence ]
  • Lord Krishna gives a part/fraction of  swagat swatantra from his sarva swatantra [part as per the yogyata ,capacity, of the soul ] as dattaswatantra in the pratibimba as present in bimba
  • This datta satantra is always there from beginingless time in jeeva
  • such dattaswatantra  is manifested during experiences of the soul .
  • This experience bringsforth the fact[rememberance , memory ,smriti ] that Lord Narayana is alone independent
  • This manifestation during accomplishment of karma is also brought forward by Vishnu himself
  • Narayana himself gives his  Vishnu smriti .

"Nitya naimittika kaamya bhedena , trividhavidyaashrit swavarnaashramochit sankalpita bhagavatpoojaatmak karmajanya phalenaaparoksha gnyanat poorvamantahkaran shuddhi dwara tadupaasken tata: param bhagavadichchaya  prapta nijagurupadishtaswabimbavishayakapoornasachchidanandatmak "

Karma is of three types nitya , naimittika , kaamya

  • sandhyavandana , devataarchana , atithi pooja etc are nitya karma
  • chaturmasa vrata , vishnupanchaka upavasa ,tarpana etc are naimittika karma
  • one done with desires of fruits [ phalapeksha ] like special vrata ,yagnya ,mantra japa ,homa  to attain some desires is kaamya karma
  • All these are done as kayik [ bodily] ,vachanik [speech], manasik[ mentally]
  • Everything of such karma should be accomplished by the knowledge of space and time .
  • knowledge once varna and ashrama is also important during such karma
  • Varnashramochit karma should be done as pooja [ prayer] to God and such a  sankalpa is necessary to be done .
  • Such three types of karma done in the above said manner will give antahkaran shuddhhi ,when done prior to Aparoksha gnyana
  • Such shudhdhi will pave way for bimbopasana without interruption and obstacles.
  • When done in continuous manner regularly uniterruptedly ,leads to pratyaksha of the Lord Narayana .
  • I will release him from sansar bandhan ,such desire will be exhibited by me .
  • then through jeeva's nija guru , a upadesha will be made to show the way for upasanA , THAT LEADS TO , pratyaksha of bimba roopa complete in all respect and inspirer of all the qualities ,that sachidananda ,atmaswaroopa Lord Narayana.
  • This way Lord is  aparokshikrut .


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