Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tvam Aashcharyosi Dhanyosi!

Shri Krishna alongwith his wives was dwelling in Dwaraka ,and all the kings of the time alongwith Kauravas and pandavas came to meet him on the Raivat mountain . Just as there was a big gathering , sage Narada came by and uttered " Tvam Aashcharyosi Dhanyosi" ,SriKrishna said "Dakshinabhissakam" ! everyone around surprised by this conversation asked LOrd to explain . Lord ordered Narada to explain ,he said thus:

  • I had gone to Ganga and said " you are the superior ,none is equal to you " .Ganga said Varun is superior to me .
  • I went to Varun and he said , I am supported by Uma Sauparni and Varuni named Prithvi .they are superior
  • I went to Uma and she said the Parvat named Garud Shesha and Rudra is superior
  • I went to Garuda and said you are wonderful [ashcarya] He said Bramha is more wonderful than me .
  • I went to Bramha and said "you are most wonderful " He said my mother Vedabhimani Srimahalakshmi is Prakruti and more wonderful and superior"
  • I expressed Vedaabhimani Lakshmi as most wonderful but she declined saying my husband who presides over Yagnya is Shri Narayana is most wonderful and superiormost"
  • Thus as there is no difference between mool Narayana and his avatara ,I came to Sri Krishna and said " Tvam Aashcharyosi Dhanyosi"
  • Lord said " Dakshinabhissakam" means
  • Not only am I superior to all the beings but also my wife Dakshina is superior to all the beings. She is Savadhik superior and my superiority is Niravadhik.
  • She being the part of his half of the body [ardhsharir] she is known as dakshina , she is in srivatsa as veda ,She is sitting on his lap as jnyana ,she is always near him as yagnya .
  • thus jada tartamya is explained
  • Ganga as wayer is superior to bodies
  • Samudra is superior to water
  • Prithvi is superior to samudra
  • Parvat is greater than prithvi
  • Mahattatva is greater than Parvat
  • Veda is superior to Mahattatva
  • The meaningful recitation of Veda is Yagnya
  • Ritvij reciting Veda is entitled to Dakshina
  • It is leads to Gnyana and
  • finally God Narayana is superior most .


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