Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tvam Aashcharyosi Dhanyosi!

Shri Krishna alongwith his wives was dwelling in Dwaraka ,and all the kings of the time alongwith Kauravas and pandavas came to meet him on the Raivat mountain . Just as there was a big gathering , sage Narada came by and uttered " Tvam Aashcharyosi Dhanyosi" ,SriKrishna said "Dakshinabhissakam" ! everyone around surprised by this conversation asked LOrd to explain . Lord ordered Narada to explain ,he said thus:

  • I had gone to Ganga and said " you are the superior ,none is equal to you " .Ganga said Varun is superior to me .
  • I went to Varun and he said , I am supported by Uma Sauparni and Varuni named Prithvi .they are superior
  • I went to Uma and she said the Parvat named Garud Shesha and Rudra is superior
  • I went to Garuda and said you are wonderful [ashcarya] He said Bramha is more wonderful than me .
  • I went to Bramha and said "you are most wonderful " He said my mother Vedabhimani Srimahalakshmi is Prakruti and more wonderful and superior"
  • I expressed Vedaabhimani Lakshmi as most wonderful but she declined saying my husband who presides over Yagnya is Shri Narayana is most wonderful and superiormost"
  • Thus as there is no difference between mool Narayana and his avatara ,I came to Sri Krishna and said " Tvam Aashcharyosi Dhanyosi"
  • Lord said " Dakshinabhissakam" means
  • Not only am I superior to all the beings but also my wife Dakshina is superior to all the beings. She is Savadhik superior and my superiority is Niravadhik.
  • She being the part of his half of the body [ardhsharir] she is known as dakshina , she is in srivatsa as veda ,She is sitting on his lap as jnyana ,she is always near him as yagnya .
  • thus jada tartamya is explained
  • Ganga as wayer is superior to bodies
  • Samudra is superior to water
  • Prithvi is superior to samudra
  • Parvat is greater than prithvi
  • Mahattatva is greater than Parvat
  • Veda is superior to Mahattatva
  • The meaningful recitation of Veda is Yagnya
  • Ritvij reciting Veda is entitled to Dakshina
  • It is leads to Gnyana and
  • finally God Narayana is superior most .


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Gyana Ichcha Kriya

Lord Narayana does not force the soul jeeva to enact any karma . On the contrary he has leased his  independence with respect to Gyana ,ichcha and kriya to the jeeva. So when a desire occurs in a jeeva ,his buddhi analyses with available gyana about the status of desire and then according to the conducive circumstance [ external anukula paristithi , which exists or acts as per our poorva janma karma] ,he makes a kriya [efforts] . Now nothing is forced onto him in this process. Jeeva is independent when it comes to desire . One can desire anything ,nothing stops from desiring . Nothing stops you from making efforts either. everybody is free to try out his luck .

But what differentiates one from another is Gnyana . It is knowledge that makes the difference between different people in pursuing their goals. Person with higher knowledge approaches a goal differently than a less knowledged soul at any given point.

Now we have a means to accumulate knowledge .Knowledge is  the only wealth that no thief can steal from us. Our actions though inspired by Lord [who is complete and of independent knowledge] yet we set out our actions as per our local knowledge [distinctly different from Lord] . This gyana is ever increasing birth after birth and experience after experience ,it fortifies . Our acts also so improves as per our gyana. Thus our ability to sin or punya is limited to gyana. One must make maximum efforts to gain gyana.

Thus lesser knowledged suffers more than the one with more kowledge. Mukhyaprana [Hanuman] has complete knowledge and hence he is untouched by grief. Lord gives knowledge when one performs nishkaam karma.


||Na madida Karma balvanta vadare ,ni enu maduve Mukunda ||

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bhagavat Purana

A seed is sown in the soil and watered ,it springs into a tree with a strong stem ,branches ,leaves and Flowers . It will be laden with Fruits . Ripe sweet Fruits are the essence of the Tree in toto . The Fruit which has been bit [tasted]by  a Parrot is particularly [assuredly] very  sweet. Tasting such sweet fruit brings sense of pleasure and immense bliss.This is what is known in the world about the trees to us.

In philosophical world [vedic vangmaya] there is a Kalpavriksha tree which grows :

When seed of gnyana is sown in the soil[field of mind] and nourished with Bhakthi [devotion] , trunk named Vedas spring up ,with barks as upanishats and branches as rig, yajus ,sama ,atharva and many shakhas , upavedas and leaves of innumerable shastras [ when taken shelter under it, it gives cool shade and solace ] ,It has fragrant flowers of many Vidyas  and puranas as Fruits ,which contain the entire essence of Vedas . Of these various puranas , some are very ripe, And that which has been bit[tasted] by the Parrot named Shukamuni is assuredly very sweet ,It is Bhagavata Purana because it gives immense bliss named MOKSHA.

Note : Shukacharya ,son of Vedavyasa had a face of that of parrot , He was the first to learn Bhagavat and first to give discourse on it to Parikshit Grandson of Arjun , WHo after listening to it in seven days attained Moksha.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Karma phala

Narayana is supreme Parmatma ,independent and jeeva is dependent .Everything is done by the grace of God .Everything is done by HIM and whole world ,our circumstances and consequences are all under HIM , Then why he adjudicates karma phala to us and makes us suffer or enjoy attributing it to US the soul[jeeva]?

The answer to this lies in gayatri " Dhiyo yah na prachodayat" !

God does not get acts from us by force or by making us helpless . He makes a soul act by inspiring his mind [buddhi]. This is known as prachodan . Man faces certain circumstances because of karma , God inspires his mind under these circumstances [through tatva devatas and rakshasas ] Soul owing to his nature and buddhi reacts to the situation through his ichcha ,kriya and gnyana shakti [which are datta swatantra by GOD], Thus his reaction results in karma phala and its subsequent lepa to the soul. This karma phala is attributed to soul because Jeeva out of his own buddhi attributes this to himself as 'I' and 'mine' .

If jeeva attributes it paramatma with 'krishnaarpana' then he will not undergo the karmaphala  consequences.


Saturday, January 17, 2009


  • There are two akaash 1.Bhutaakaash 2. Avyakta Akaasha.
  • Bhutakaash is one of the panchabhutas and is within the bramhanda.
  • Avyakta akaash is outside the boundary or periphery of bramhanda
  • Bhutaakaash is presided by Ganapati , Brihaspati and vasudeva.
  • Avyaktaakash is presided by Laxmi devi and Narayana.
  • Bhutaakaash  is primarily responsible for support of the lokas.
  • Vasudeva in akaash supports the lokas.
  • Bhutakaash manifests in shabda .
  • Shabda exhibits the Akshara
  • These also exist in shrotrendriya
  • Both akaash and shabda are present in the ear.
  • Akaash upachayen Shabdotpatti [ movement/disturbance in space gives rise to sound]
  • Thus Blessings of Ganapathy is neccessary to success in study of shabdashatra.
  • Ganapati can also be appeased by meditating in the akaash linga ie ,space between eyebrows and throat , or just above the jivhamula.
  • Mind is also made of akaash
  • Akaash takes the shape that which is rendered to it.
  • Thus thoughts are modifications or impressions on  akaash
  • Thus there can be as many thoughts as possible
  • The thoughts can change as quickly as possible
  • If for any reason akaash in the mind is stabda [still] the last impression becomes stagnant in the mind and man becomes unrealistic.[Manoroga]
  • Thus for a good mind and sound study let us all pray Ganapathy antargata mukhyapranantargata Vishwambhar moorthy .


Friday, January 16, 2009

Bimba Pratibimba

Bimba is the God present in our heart . The jeeva is Pratibimba. Jeeva is shodashakala gynamaya swaroop deha . The one who resides inside the swaroopa as Paramatma is Bimba moorthy Narsimha. He is like the string that supports the flowers in a garland. He is like a fragrance in a flower He supports the entire universe and present in all the jeeva.

Bimba murthy of Ganesh will be like that of Elephant head [Vishwambhar] .Bimba moorthy of Sesha will be like that 1000 hood Sarpa.Similarly for Garuda it will be like  Bird. So God exists everywhere in different forms. Our bimba will be according to our swaroopa in Mukti as per our Yogyata . Though a serpent or animal faced BImba we can still be in a human form now.

Only nija swa atma guru can only give us a the real bimba dhyana , After this upadesha Bimbopasana starts and after many years of Bimbopasana Aparoksha is obtained.

Aparoksha entitles one to see everywhere God , Every human that see , we see the bimba performing in him and not the jeeva. Thus it is a state of very high electic happiness as we see Lord act everywhere and there is no lepa .


Alli Nodidare RAMA illi Nodidare RAMA elli elli nodidaru RAMA| Avanige iva RAMA ivanige ava RAMA | RAMA RAMA

|Sarvam vishnumayam jagat|

Wednesday, January 14, 2009



Monday, January 12, 2009

Aitareyopanishat-Three Births

Narayana enters the human body through food.This food becomes retas in the MAN . This retas is the essence of the man arising out of all of his limbs. It is held within oneself.

When this retas is sprinkled in a woman ,It is the first birth.This becomes a part of the woman as her other limbs .hence She should not be troubled by the husband. Woman should take care of her womb as the presence of divine in her.A woman who thinks thus ,should be taken care of.He who respects the mother and the son in the womb ,worships God present in the womb obtains all the wishes.

The birth of the son is the second birth from the womb onto the earth.The God in the son remains on the earth for sometime doing karma on behalf of the father. Then the God present in the father leaves him along with the jeeva and attains urdhwa loka.

When he is born in another place ,it is the third birth. Thus Vishnu protects the jeeva all through his births.

Note : When a man leaves  his retas in a woman , a part of him enters the woman , woman carries her husband's amsha. This is pratham janma . When woman gives birth , son born though a different jeeva also carries his father's amsha . Thus child is the father. This dwitiya janma . Here this amsha remains in the son and it is because of this amsha , whatever man does karma it is also distributed or experienced by the father. When father leaves this world , his amsha leaves with him ,remains with him in all the swarga and other lokas.When he is born elsewhere it is the third janma . But earlier amshas continue to reap benefits of the karma ,Thus god enables one to reap the karma through progeny in all the janma and runanubandha remains intact even if he is born elsewhere. The shraddha that he performs reaches him though he is born elsewhere and is unconnected physically ,his amsha stays connected with the help of Pitru devatas.


Sunday, January 11, 2009


  • Om means one who is complete [sampoorna].
  • OM is made up of letters A U M .
  • A represents the state of awakening
  • U represents the state of sleep
  • M represents the state of dead
  • A is the vishwa
  • U is the taijas
  • M is the Pragnya
  • There is also a fourth state known as Turiya .
  • All these states are under the control of the God
  • Infact OM has eight syllables according to Shruti
  • Now eight syllables  A U M Naad Bindu Ghosh Shaant Atishant
  • These syllables are the manifestation of the rupas of Narayana
  • They are Vishwa Taijas Pragnya Turiya Atma  Antaratma Gyanatma Paramatma .
  • Realisation of the OM with respect to entire eight rupas only entitles one to Moksha
  • From Om emanates entire syllables
  • Akshara that emanate from OM like A E U ..... Ll Ksha etc are all Hari rupa .
  • A is Ajaay namaha .............Ll is Llalukaya namaha
  • Only sanyasi is ordained to meditate on OM the Pranav Mantra.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Karma & Gnyana

Shri krishna stresses importance of gnyana in Bhagavadgeeta .Arjun asks " if gnyana is so shreshtha [great] then why do you insist on doing Karma[ a bhayankar one at that ,namely war]waging a war towards kith and kin.
Here Arjuna is insisting he is not interested in War , he is more interested in knowledge that would ensure Moksha. But Shri Krishna says that leaving battlefield even for the sake of Knowledge and MOksha would lead him To hell , for a Kshatriya a war is most sacred than retiring to Forests.

Note : Most people keep claiming caste is not by birth but by qualities , anyone exhibiting qualities can take on the duties of the caste! ! !
For all such people ShriKrishna is sending a message that what is ordained has to be carried out.
Arjuna here felt strong desire for Gaining Knowledge and distaste for violence[ that too in the middle of battlefield]. Here he was exhibiting Bramhin like qualities of ahimsa and gyanarjan . He could have been ordained bramhinic status on account of his qualities and allowed to practise Tapa ,but Shri Krishna says You are Kshatriya and such thoughts do not suit you , you would get disgrace, ill fame on account of such act and would be labelled coward. WHY?
because a bramhin is a one who is born to both bramhin mother and bramhin father and also should have samskara of Bramhin , both are neccessary conditions and one in isolation does not qualify one to be a bramhin.

So Arjuna being born as Kshatriya Himsa was his dharma and war was his karma [vihit karma]
The beauty in the Bhagavadgeeta is that
what has been ordained as KarmaYOGA is actually accumulation of Gnyana !
What is Gnyana Yoga is actually carrying out duties as Karma with full accurate Knowledge.

So this sets pretext to the concepts of Karma Akarma and vikarma
Vikarma should not be resorted to !
Akarma is not possible at all
Karma [as per varna and ashrama dharma]should only be performed
This karma has to be a Nishkaam Karma
Nishkaam Karma leads to yathartha Gnyana.
Yathartha Gnyana leads to Paroksha Gnyana
Paroksha Gnyani after blessings of the Vayu and recommendation of SriMahalakshmi attains Aparoksha .
Aparoksha assure Moksha.

For all this Narayana's own will and grace is responsible and this is not got by any efforts of the Soul.
Once God decides " Yen Mochayami" I am going to grant Moksha to this soul , his spiritual journey starts.
So one gets MOksha only by the GRACE of the LORD NARAYANA .

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ram Mantra

RAM -The name of the lord born as son of Dasharath is in itself a mantra. It is the best mantra available to tide over samsara.

  • Ram means one who attracts the minds of one and all
  • Ram means one who fulfills all the wishes of his devotees
  • Ram means one who always gives happiness to his consort
  • Ram means the  fire which burns its enemies to ashes
  • Ram means one who is ideal and shows the righteous path
  • Ram means embodiment of auspicious
  • Ram means the infinite bliss
  • Ram means the one who purifies
  • Ram means the sacrificial fire that gives glory
  • Ram means the peace that comes from within
  • Ram means the greatest ever born

Ram Ram when uttered twice  becomes mahamantra .

  • R- raktha [blood]
  • A-asthi[bones]
  • M-mamsa[muscles] gata papa kshayati
  • the sins that are ingrained deep inside blood and bones and muscles/marrow[majja] are destroyed by chanting RAM once
  • once destroyed these may try to re-enter
  • when uttered RAM second time ,it prevents such reccurence

note : We suffer due to sins , sins are superficially ingrained onto the aura if it is less potent . When sins are grave ,they manifest into blood ,second stage would be when they penetrate human bones and lastly the sins become unbearable when they are in marrow. The more severe sins are manifested as mental disorders . the remedies to such sins are not possible , man suffers them ,only a holy saint has to take pity on these to relieve them of pain and unrest. But why worry when there is Ram mantra . just chant RAM RAM twice such sins will get destroyed and will never attack again.

There is nothing in this three world that cannot be achieved  by this mantra , it will be sheer waste of time reciting all other mantras without the knowledge of RAM mantra .Blessed is the soul who has mastered this RAM mantra by the grace of Guru Madhvacharya for his place in the abode of Purandara vittala is assured.


|| Ram naam japiso hey manuja || AA mantra ee Mantra japisuvi keda beda|| Ram naam japiso hey manuja ||

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bho Yativarendra Gururaya Raghavendra

  • Oh Raghavendra swamy ,protect me ,I am in your shelter ,I pray your divine presence in the Brundavana ,Please protect oh full moon of tattvavada!
  • I have wandered from[holy] Place to Place to every place suggested and seen and passed by , I am vexed asking boons unfulfilled at these places, now I come to your pedestal [Mantralayam]-Please help me!
  • I do not have any capacity to carry out austerities ,as I am dipped in desires and vices ,Niyamas are a very difficult for me to observe ,Yet I desire your blessings and I know you would fulfil my other wants also.
  • I do not understand shastras , I have no knowledge of the language , I do not have any Mantra for learning , but I have cravings for SriMadhvas' teachings ,but I am short of intelligence and analytical skills, I have come to your pedestal with just a desire and no qualifications , Please besiege my heart and inspire these knowledge and learning and Please protect me , fulfill my desires.

Note: it requires lot of niyamas to acquire Punya and these punya purifies ones heart and induces one to study shastras . Study of Shastras require lot of Intelligence , language skills and grammatical and logical analysis to grasp the meaning in the treatise. Or you should have some kind of mantra siddhi of some devata mantra to understand the secrets of science from that Devata. or observes niyamas and strict ways of living to appease any diety in Temple to offer you a boon for the same. I out of ignorance ,polluted mind,and uncontrolled senses ,with no qualifications whatsoever as mentioned above [Though without them there is no recourse] I still desire to become a gnyani and desire to obtain all the wishes , I know you would help me !HOW?

By besieging my heart , staying in it , this will automatically purify me ,You are the only devata I know of ,who can teach me by inspiring it in my heart, You are the very embodiment of knowledge ,your presence in my heart makes me a scholar , You make my tongue speak very difficult topic lucidly , you make my mind think the intricate logic of philosophy , you make my heart sing praises of Lord Anantapadmanabh Oh Guru Raghavendra your name is my mantra to attain all the desires with   my one desire to visit your pedestal Mantralaya.


||Antarangadali nintu preriso Anantadrishadvaraye||

You need not be a scholar or need not do great piety ,need not wander in Himalayas or observe vrata niyama for siddhi , Just become a devotee of Mantralayam seer SriRaghavendra and surrender to his lotus feet , You will gain everything desired.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Slavery to Guru ensures MUKTI

What's the use of  study  of Shastras again & again ? Passionate devotion is a wasteful exercise!!

Till we become a slave to our Guru , mukti is always a distant dream !!!

Mukti does not come :

  • by mere learning of six shastras
  • by gleaning  hundreds of upanishats and purana
  • by mere reciting great epics and other good moral stories
  • by mere lecturing confidently the philosophies
  • by merely displaying a mala of tulasi/rudraksh
  • by chanting crores of mantras through  japa mani in the palm
  • by undisturbed  smear of the bhasma on the body
  • by wandering into forests as ascetics
  • by shunning the conjugal happiness of a woman
  • by detaching bodily felicity and grooming

Mukti can only be had by reaching the abode of Purandar vittala [the one who has bestowed boons on Narada ] by enslaving oneself to the Great Guru Madhvacharya [MukhyaPrana].

||Guruina ghulaman aguva tanaka doreyadanna  MuKuti||Pari pari shastrava vodidare enu vyarth vayitu bhakuti||


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Shri Vishnu is supreme Paramatma

There is only Narayana as supreme entity and there is none equal or greater than him.

So what is the difference that exists between Soul/Atman and Paramatma ?

  1. ParamaAtman is swatantra Independent , Atman is dependent paratantra. He is dependent on God for all his activites ,happiness ,bliss etc.
  2. Paramatma is all pervading ,he does not have limitation in space.Atma  is limited in size ,it is of the size of 1/millionth part of edge of a single strand  horse's tail hair. [anurupa]
  3. Paramatma exists at all times  in a same poornaavastha, Atman comes into this world after he is woken to srujya avastha by paramatma ,hence he has apoorna.
  4. Paramatma gyana is infinite , Atman gyana is finite.
  5. Paramatma does not undergo any organic changes in his body .Atman acquires a body and undrgoes organic changes of this body.
  6. These changes bring about changes in the anubhuti of the Atman in realising self , Paramatma's anubhuti is not different from him.
  7. Atman is either stree or Purusha [male or female] ,Paramatma is both male as well as female.
  8. Atman as a male is dependent on Paramatma and female Atman for its sukha[ happiness] , Paramatma is swarata ,He enjoys his own rupas  ,His Narayani female rupa is present in the Laxmi devi and He gives happiness to her through this rupa with his Purusha rupa.
  9. Atman undergoes Samsara [ life cycle of birh and deaths] Paramatma is never born nor dies.
  10. Atman has to do sadhana to achieve its realisation of self ,Paramatma has no binding onto himself ,he has Achintyaadbhut Shakti[ making impossible possible]


SriRaghavendra Yati- Mahima

SriRaghavendra  Swamy is kalpavruksha and kamadhenu swarup for all those who are righteous and follow him on the way shown by him ,singing the praises of Lord shi MoolRama present in the Brundavan.

Raghavendra yati can bestow all the desired ,santan sampat ,parishuddha bhakti ,vigyan ,at the same time he will destroy all the undesirable qualities [bad characteristics,vices]in the body, some bodily disabilities,on account of doshas ,all these benefits come automatically to those who pray his lotus feet.

By his grace all kinds of vyanga[disfigurement] of body can be set right , childlessness is cured ,the worldly tensions vanish , even if someone is suffering on account of his previous sins [ mahapapa] ,he can obtain relief by the grace of this great saint through his padodaka.

When deeply meditating on his lotus feet , one can experience increase in his ,gyana ,bhakti,suputra,ayu,yashas[fame],shri[wealth],and punya.He can bestow mastery in all the subjects

He will destroy all the doshas like

  1. agyana,
  2. vismruti
  3. bhranti
  4. samshaya
  5. apsmruti
  6. tandra
  7. kampa[vacha kantha mukha and other indriyas]

by chanting his mantra three times in a day  everything wished for can be obtained without doubt.

The capacity to bestow boons and destroy doshas and putright difficulties cannot be completely described , nothing is really unachievable by the grace of this greatest moon of the Madhva siddhanta.

just by namaskar one can obtain all the wishes , just by chanting his name one can obtain enormous knowledge.just by pradakshina of vrundavana one can get all the benefits of a theerth yatra and his theertha can give you punya of all the nadi snana.[rivers]

This world is full of illusive attractions that can distract the mind of the steadfast. this life is samsara akin to the ocean ,which is infinitely deep , and wide impossible to cross over . upon that it has waves of  delusions ,passion sweet infatuations,hurdles,and dissapointments .these waves bring back to the begining, time and again the ever drowning soul in this ocean of samsara. somehow if you sustain it then there are ferocious poisonous aquatic creatures like miseries and hardships ready to swallow us in this ocean. is there any escape from this situation?A deep thought with complete faith in the Raghavendra yatiraat is enough to get you across this ocean effortlessly , just raise your hands in distress of samsara and cry "oh guru Raghavendra ,please hold my hand ,pull me out " you are out of this abyss.

Such is the greatness of this saint ,we are all lucky to have him amongst us and Thank God for providing such easy way out .


Friday, January 2, 2009

Sri Raghavendra Gurusarvabhouma

SriRaghavendra swamy fulfills the desires of the devotee instantly.
  • How are desires fulfilled?
  • There are so many saints and others who are also known for fulfilling desires. what is difference in these and Sri Raghavendra Swamy?
  • What is the extra benefit that is assured in following SriRaghavendra Swamy?
  1. Desires are fulfilled with the aid of Punya.
    1. Punya has to be operating when desires occur in our mind ,then they get fulfilled . We say " I was lucky i got everything I desired
    2. If you dont have punya then options left are
      1. You kill your desires ,resorting to vedanta or some other kind of udaseenata.
      2. Else you strive for it with hard work
        1. you undertake upasana/vrata etc
        2. You simply request your elders[capable] to get it for you.
    3. The type of punya acquired determines the quality of enjoyments .
  2. There are so many saints ,why only SriRaghavendra ?
    1. As discussed earlier type and quality of enjoyments is of paramount importance.
    2. when we pray /approach some saint/devata/babas/etc these saints.../.... etc can grant us a boon in two ways
      1. their prayer should entitle us to accumulation of Punya  or gaining of merits
      2. or these saints should be capable of creating it for us.
      3. the accumulation can occur only when such pooja prayer is ordained in vedas puranas and the saint/devata etc are PuranaPurusha.
      4. ie Strotras and suktas of devatas in Vedas give by themselves enormous punya to the self.
      5. Most of the babas are not mentioned in purana or veda.
      6. such babas can give results by giving their punya [if at all they have some]
      7. or by magic[it can vary from indrajal to maya to bhuta vidya]
      8. Yogis give punya by siddhi [ animaadi etc]
    3. On the whole a saint has to give it from his pocket/balance etc.
    4. That he should have acquired some merits himself.
    5. This he must have acquired in his previous births only.
    6. That means if he was an ordinary person in his previous birth his punya would have been ordinary and thus the results that one gets after getting this punya will also be ordinary .
    7. Sometimes these punyas would have been tainted with some papa [on account of sinister intention ] , so we are also destined to get some grief on account of this sinister intention. If this is really big then you are actually inviting unhappiness in exchange for a small desire fulfillment. [ a great risk].
    8. No person is perfect and hence his punya will not be perfect , thus desires fulfilled by these imperfect souls[babas] will also end in disappointments after a little wishful moments. however ignorant of the cause and out of greed of fulfilment ,you again and again revisit the same baba ,lifelong. and your list of woes become unending and repetitive .You get caught into a vicious circle of mixed happiness[ you keep circling in samsara by the grace of menial babas /saints]
    9. These are Rajas Saints as per Bhagavadgeeta
    10. When such meetings always bring unhappiness and misfortunes then know for sure ,you are in the company of Tamas saints.
Sri Raghavendra swamy was earlier Prahlad [he is Purana Purusha].Praying him will give both natural punya as ordained by Shastras and at the same time ,  The saint himself has promised instant punya from his account .
What is the quality of Punya [ done by Prahalad].
Prahalad is the only bhakta who has never asked anything from the God. He is a true bhakta , whose bhakti is totally desireless. hence his punya is a pure one. Unmixed one. Such pure bhakti gives pure punya . This pure punya fulfills all desires to the complete satisfaction.
ordinary punya exhausts  after it has been enjoyed.
Pure punya gives rise to enjoyments that leads to more Pure punya.
Thus with Sriraghavendra swamy you are assured of happiness[ desires getting fulfilled without any side effects or diminishing quality].They will never bring misfortunes , unhappiness or craving for more . It will full satisfying and complete.
To elaborate more , I shall narrate a story.
Once there was a tree which fulfilled all the wishes for those who took shelter under it. A peasant came by and took shelter under the tree in a scorching sun.He wished " ah how nice it would be to have excellent shade covering my head to escape the sun. " Instantly there was a shade .
after sometimes peasant desired " ah how nice it would be if  i had brought some meals along to enjoy in this shade" instantly there was a five course meals laid down before him ." He had a good meal and suddenly he thought his wishes are getting fulfilled instantly ,he looked around and there was nothing.
So he wished again to test whether he is dreaming or is it for real " how nice it would be if i had  a cot to sit on " instantly a cot appeared . " ah how about a cool breeze" thus flowed cool breeze and peasant dozed off .
After a good nap , he got up and suddenly a thought occurred " i am alone in this forest under this tree , what if a ghost comes by !" instantly a ghost appears . " what if this kills me !!! " it kills him .
These are the qualities of kalpavriksha that can be seen in the world .
But SriRaghavendra swamy is such a Kalpavriksha who doesn't fulfill the desires which are harmful to the devotee. Infact he does not even allow such disastrous thoughts cross the minds of his devotee . He constantly guides them to unmixed happiness  helping them with his own punya where one falsl short of . There will not be an iota of unhappiness once you are a ardent devotee of SriRaghavendra swamy . Appanacharya says " asukham kinchana"  , unhappiness is on account of miseries , these never touch devotees of Raghavendra swamy . [ but then you may be unhappy because of absence of happiness, absence of misery is okay but what about absence of sukha , this can also be a unhappiness.] so he uses " asukham " that means even such absence of happiness will also not be there . that means one will be ever happy . "Natra samshaya" do not doubt this .
what's additional benefit ?
Kamalanatha: prasadodayat   . In this world Only Vishnu can assure a Moksha for the devotees  and No other deities can give Moksha . But by the grace of Narsimha , Prahalad has been granted a boon of recommending  Moksha to his followers. Thus he can assure Moksha for all of us.
SaKshi Hayasyotra hi . These words told by appanacharya bear the testimony and  sanction  of Lord Hayagreeva himself .
Note: It is very difficult to achieve Moksha , one must learn all the shastras by heart , must have analysed them [its easy to know them but difficult to understand], test  them and then one start his sadhana ,keeping unattached to all the karmas ,vighna,and helplessness towards miseries that occur in this world and in future births again and again.
even after learning all the shastras the real understanding of LOrd is rarely possible as this mind is very fickle and it wavers . even if we manage all these ,It is very rare that God will remain in the heart forever[state of samadhi] , the process becomes an exhaustive exercise, and sometimes we wonder why at-all  all this ,cant there be a  one step phenomena towards Moksha.
SriRaghavendra swamy is the only saint who has come down to simplify this whole exercise to a n enjoyable outing on this earth in this birth and yet another in the Vaikuntha.
All we need to do is like a good child who trusts none but his parents and sticks his tiny plam towards the little finger of his parents and he is assured he is not going to get lost.
Oh SriRaghavendra Gurusarvabhouma , i the child of this tatvavada lineage hold your finger , and I know whe the doors of the Vaikuntha opens You will be the first to be let in , you never leave the hand of those who have faith in you ,like a child i would also follow you to Vaikuntha by the grace of Bharathi ramana mukhyapranantargata sri Lakshmi Narsimha .

Thursday, January 1, 2009

SriRaghavendra Swamy of Mantralayam

Sri Raghvavendra swamy of Mantralayam is still in yogic asampragyat samadhi in the Vrundavana at Mantralayam.[it means he is still inside the Vrundavan at the temple.] He would be there till 700 years from the day he entered the Vrundavana. Why is he still living in a mortal form on the earth ? what makes him bound in the Brundavana? Why has he not left to the celestial abode immediately?

  • Prarabdha and anishta punya are two major reasons for this choice of state.
  • I say choice of state because ,just saying state would mean a compulsion or binding on Mantralayam seer out of some irrevocable consequence.But this is not true of the great yogi who is the avatar of Prahalad .It is a matter of choice , ie. seer is sitting out of his own choice.why?
  • As Prahalad ,Lord Narsimha had flung open the doors of Vaikuntha , but Prahlad refused to go to Vaikuntha.
  • Prahlad insisted to stay back and lead all the deserving  followers onto the path towards Vaikuntha .
  • only then together with his followers he would like to go to Vaikuntha.
  • Thus Prahlad chose to be born as Bahlika ,Vyasathirtha and Raghavendra Swamy.
  • so he has a choice not compulsion to stay back.
  • Now what is his purpose in staying back?
  • A man has 1 sanchita 2 prarabdha 3. Agami karma
  • when one attains Aparoksha Sanchita and Agami do not affect
  • Prarabdha remains to be exhausted.
  • Sanchitapunya of Aparokshagyani is distrubuted to his followers and Sanchita Papa goes to the haters abusers.
  • So Raghavendra swamy has chosen his prarabdha to be on the earth in a state of samadhi and distribute his punya to all those who ask for his blessings.
  • Since he has resolved to give his punya ,so only a small pooja or bhajan sung in his favour is enough to get his blessings [punya] .
  • This punya will not only fulfill our wishes but also increase Gyan bhakti Vairagya instantly.
  • Thus Shri Raghavendra swamy is akin to Kalpavriksha and Kamdhenu in Kaliyuga.

Pujyaya Raghavendraya Satyadharma rataycha  | Bhajatam Kalpavrukshaya Namatam Kamdhenave||
