Saturday, October 9, 2010


MUKTAJEEVA - Satva satva satva
  1. Bramha ,Vayu Sarsvati, Bharati Satva -Rajas-satva
  2. Sesha , GAruda ,Rudra , varuni ,sauparni ,parvati,jambavati ,kalindi, mitravinda , neela ,bhadra , lakshana , satva tamo satva
  3. Indra ,kama ----------------------------------------- raja satva satva
  4. ahankarik prana , indradwar sharirabhimani , brihaspati ---------------------- raja satva raja
  5. shachi ,anirudhha ,guru,dakshprajapati svayambhu manu ratidevi - raja satva tama
  6. Pravaha vayu, yama, chandra ,surya , shatarupa ,varun , narada, bhrigu , agni , prasuti , marich ,mitra surya , tara , pravahi ,vishwamitra - rajo raj satva
  7. nirruti rajo raj satva
  8. ganapati , vishwaksen , kubera , 85 shesha shatastha devata - rajorajsatva
  9. karmaj devata (100) kings , janaka etc 8 apasaras urvashi etc , 8 gandharva tumbura etc , 8 pitrus prabhas etc , 10 indras bali etc , 8 manus , 80 rishi ,36 agniputras , jaya vijaya dwarpalak , mangal rahu , ketu , chitragupta , vishwakarma - ---------------- rajo raj rajas
  10. ganga , sangya , shyamala , rohini , anirudhha patni , usha , parjanya , svaha - rajo raj raj
  11. usha , ashvini devta patni , shani , pushkar ajanaj devata , gandharvas , siddha charan, yaksha , vidydhar , chirapitru , 100 less 100crores rishi , 16100krishna wives , other gopikas ,----------- rajo raj tam
  12. Deva gandharva , rishi gandharva,risis ,muni rajo tamo raj
  13. manujgandharva , manushya raja [ kings on earth] tamo satva satva
  14. MAnushyauttama [ baramhana kshatriya vaishya etc ] - tamo satva raj
  15. MOkshadhikari trina jeeva [ trees , animals ] ---------------- tama satva tamo
  16. Nitya samsari manushyamadhyama [ other castes races ]
  17. svarga prachura --------------------------------------------------------------- tamo raja satva
  18. bhuprachur ------------------------------------------------------------------------- tamo raj raj
  19. niraya prachur -------------------------------------------------------------------- tamo raja tamas
  20. Tamoyogya
  21. manushyaadhama [evil among humans ], servants of demons - tamo tam satva
  22. Major demons --------------------------------------------------------------------------- tamo tam raj
  23. KAlI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tamo tam tam
Note ; there is difference in the body composition of KINGS and normal humans , best among humans and medium among humans and evils among humans .



  1. Om Om Namo Narayanaya Om
    Om Shri Gurubhyo Namaha
    Om Shri Raghavendraya Namaha

    Can you please explain what is this?

    When you say MUKTAJEEVA - Satva satva satva or Bramha ,Vayu Sarsvati, Bharati Satva -Rajas-satva what does it mean?

    Is it the composition of bodies or that of soul or a combination of both?

  2. this is the composition of bodies .

  3. Om Om Namo Narayanaya Om
    Om Shri Gurubhyo Namaha
    Om Shri Raghavendraya Namaha


    I have one more question. It is on the three-fold classification of jIvas.

    1. Are all sAtvika jIvas, completely 100% sAtvika in their swarupas?

    2. If you answer yes to above question 1, what is the basis of gradation among sAtvika jIvas? What is different in swarupas of sAtvika jIvas to merit gradation among them?

    3. In addition if sAtvika jIvas have 100% sAtvika swarupa, how is it possible that non-Rjus do adharmic activities in samsAra? Since their being is pure, how is it that they are affected by impurities from outside?

    4. If you answer no to question 1, then how is it possible for sAtvika jIvas to NOT desire adharmic things in moksa?

    5. The same questions for tAmasa jIvas, only here it is with respect to hell and such opposite characteristics.

    6. How are rAjasic jIva swarups is to be understood. Is there gradation among them and what is the basis for gradation?

  4. God is full of Auspicious qualities only . [ here auspicious is SATVIK not satva guna of prakruti , all the qualities are aprakruta ]
    SATVIK JEEVAS [ muktiyogya is the right word ] are pratibimba of BIMBA lord . SO they have only auspicious satvik qualities .

    Tamas souls and RAJAS souls are also prtibimba but exactly reverse reflections . thus they have only negative qualities ,. RAJAS have some perfectrefletions and some reverse thus they are mixed .
    NOW when you see in mirror , if mirror is soiled or imperfect the reflections will be distorted . BUt this in no way is due to imperfection of Original bimba .,

    SO perfect BIMBA is still having distorted reflections in tamas jeevas .

    SAtVIK are 100% pure , gradation is due to presence of number of qualities and quantity of good auspicious qualities ,
    GOD has infinite all others have lesser and lesser qualities . This number and quantity keeps reducing from jeeva to jeeva . GOD has infinite qualities , jeeva has limited qualities . this is basis for gradation .

    so also for tamas and rajas jeevas , KALI has many bad qualities ,. others have lesser and lesser .

    gradation among rajasik are those who are confused about LORD . confused to the extent of doing good as selfish desire ,
    to the extent of neither doing good or bad
    to the extent of sinning a little
